Journal Articles
20. Sharan Grewal. “Military Repression and Restraint in Algeria.” American Political Science Review. 118:2 (2024), 671-686. PDF. Appendix. Replication Data. Thread.
2023 APSA Democracy & Autocracy Best Paper Award
19. Yuree Noh, Sharan Grewal, and M. Tahir Kilavuz. “Regime Support and Gender Quotas in Autocracies." American Political Science Review. 118:2 (2024), 706-723. PDF. Replication Data. Brookings.
18. Sharan Grewal and Shadi Hamid. “Discrimination, Inclusion, and Anti-System Attitudes among Muslims in Germany.” American Journal of Political Science. 58:2 (2024), 511-528. Appendix. Replication Data. Pre-Analysis Plan.
17. Scott Williamson, A.Kadir Yildirim, Sharan Grewal, and Mirjam Kuenkler. “Preaching Politics: How Politicization Undermines Religious Authority in the Middle East.” British Journal of Political Science 53:2 (2023), 555-574. PDF. Replication Data.
16. M.Tahir Kilavuz, Sharan Grewal, and Robert Kubinec. “Ghosts of the Black Decade: How Legacies of Violence Shaped Algeria’s Hirak Protests.” Journal of Peace Research 60:1 (2023), 9-25. Special Issue. PDF. Appendix. Thread.
15. Sharan Grewal and Matthew Cebul. “Can Religious Reinterpretations Bridge the Secular-Religious Divide? Experimental Evidence from Tunisia.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 67:2-3 (2023), 428-456. PDF. Appendix. Replication Data.
14. Matthew Cebul and Sharan Grewal. “Military Conscription and Nonviolent Resistance.” Comparative Political Studies 55:13 (2022), 2217-2249. PDF. Appendix. Replication Data. Farsi.
2023 APSA Democracy & Autocracy Best Article Award (Honorable Mention)
13. Sharan Grewal and Drew Kinney. “What’s in a Name? Experimental Evidence of the Coup Taboo." Democratization 29:7 (2022), 1332-1345. PDF. Appendix.
12. Kevin Koehler, Sharan Grewal, and Holger Albrecht. “Who Fakes Support for the Military? Experimental Evidence from Tunisia." Democratization 29:6 (2022), 1055-1076. PDF.
2020 APSA MENA Best Paper Award
11. Sharan Grewal. "Norm Diffusion through U.S. Military Training in Tunisia." Security Studies 31:2 (2022), 291-317. PDF. Appendix. Replication Data. POMED Conversation. Thread.
2022 Perry World House-Foreign Affairs Emerging Scholars Prize
10. Risa Brooks and Sharan Grewal. “‘Twice the Citizen’: How Military Attitudes of Superiority Undermine Civilian Control in the United States.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 66:4-5 (2022), 623–650. PDF. Appendix. Thread.
9. Dina Bishara and Sharan Grewal. “Political, Not Partisan: The Tunisian General Labor Union under Democracy." Comparative Politics 54:3 (2022), 453-475. PDF.
8. Sharan Grewal, “Why Sudan Succeeded Where Algeria Failed.” Journal of Democracy 32:4 (2021), 102-114. PDF.
7. Sharan Grewal. “From Islamists to Muslim Democrats: The Case of Tunisia’s Ennahda.” American Political Science Review 114:2 (2020), 519-535. PDF. Replication Data.
2021 APSA Democracy & Autocracy Best Article Award (Honorable Mention)
6. Sharan Grewal. “Tunisia’s Foiled Coup of 1987: The November 8th Group.” The Middle East Journal 74:1 (Spring 2020), 53-71. PDF.
5. Sharan Grewal, Amaney Jamal, Tarek Masoud, and Elizabeth Nugent. “Poverty and Divine Rewards: The Electoral Advantage of Islamist Political Parties.” American Journal of Political Science 63:4 (2019), 859-874. PDF. Replication Data.
4. Sharan Grewal and Steve Monroe. “Down and Out: Founding Elections and Disillusionment with Democracy in Egypt and Tunisia.” Comparative Politics 51:4 (2019), 497-539. PDF. Thread.
3. Sharan Grewal. “Military Defection During Localized Protests: The Case of Tataouine.” International Studies Quarterly 63:2 (2019), 259-269. PDF. Appendix. Thread.
2. Sharan Grewal and Yasser Kureshi. “How to Sell a Coup: Elections as Coup Legitimation.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 63:4 (2019), 1001-1031. PDF. Replication Data.
1. Sharan Grewal and Erik Voeten. “Are New Democracies Better Human Rights Compliers?” International Organization 69:2 (2015), 497-518. PDF. Replication Data.
Sharan Grewal. “The Islamist Advantage: The Religious Infrastructure of Electoral Victory.” Forthcoming, British Journal of Political Science.
Sharan Grewal. The Rise and Fall of Tunisian Democracy: Populism, Polarization, and the Perils of Power-Sharing. Book Project.
Ashley Anderson and Sharan Grewal. “Racial Attitudes and Historical Memory in Tunisia: An Experimental Analysis.”
Yasir Atalan and Sharan Grewal. “Coup Contagion through Public Opinion.”
The People Power Data Project.
Pre-Analysis Plans: